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Do you want to boost
your Amazon sales?

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Our mission is to help companies boost their Amazon sales and provide them the best visibility. We are the ideal solution for Amazon Sellers and Vendors which don't have enough time properly manage their account, but who know how crucial is to sell online nowadays.


Planning and strategies

We define a tailor-made strategy for each client, defining their goals and the expected timing to achieve them. Thanks to our knowledge, we find out how to sell items on Amazon and their potential.

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Ranking in sales

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To improve the visibility for the most important keywords of the products is the only way to increase your online sales. We work on the Amazon SEO, manage ADV campaigns and we improve the online presence for Sellers and Vendors. 

International expansion

The marketplace boast nearly 350 million active users in 180 different countries. Thanks to the native-speaking collaborator of our Agency for Amazon we boost our brand all over the world reaching international clients.


Let's grow together

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We offer you a 360° support for your account. Our Account Manager dedicated on Amazon consistently monitor the results and the positioning of each product on a daily basis. Our reward is your success.


Already trusted Amastar


Other marketplaces


Amazon will always be our habitat, but we are also able to boost your growth on all the other main marketplaces such as eBay, Kaufland, ManoMano, Cdiscount and many more.

Who talks about us

Amastar in numbers


Product pages managed

15,5 M

Our customers' turnover in 2024

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ADV spend manage monthly


Days a year we track Seller and Vendor Central

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